Breath-body-mind is designed to activate mind-body communication pathways raise energy, regulate mood, enhance performance, reduce inflammation, help dissolve pain.
In August 2018, Dr Richard Brown came in Rwanda to give a first breath-body mind teacher training.
After the training, Dr Richard Brown offered more bi-weekly follow up and advanced practices to the Rwanda team and always expressed his love for the country which has a particular history and which can benefit a lot from regular practice of coherent breathing, the core practice of breath-body-mind.
DUSHIMIMANA Joseph Desideratus who had a history of asthma and sinusitis benefited enormously from the practices. In addition to Dr Richard brown’s follow up sessions, Dr Cecilia Beach, a senior breath-body-mind teacher spent two years teaching breath-body-mind in different outreaches mainly the Avega Homes. Joseph has been a regular assistant and interpreter (another opportunity which facilitated him to deepen his understanding of breath-body-mind) to Dr Cecilia Beach. Joseph kept practicing and teaching breath-body-mind; he continued to assist and attend breath-body-mind teacher trainings until he was fully certified level three breath-body-mind-teacher. In May 2023, Joseph’s project to train more breath-body-mind teacher started with a first fundamentals breath-body-mind training in which 4 provisional level one teachers have been confirmed fully level one breath-body-mind teachers) under the supervision of Dr Cecilia Beach . Leading another fundamentals and level one breath-body-mind teacher training inFebruary 2024 will be his second breath-body-mind project in collaboration with Breath-body-mind organization through Aguka Welleness center
In May 2023 Dr Cecilia came in Rwanda as a senior Breath-body mind teacher to supervise Joseph leading a fundamentals breath-body-mind training.
After 6 weeks post training follow-up, breath-body-mind trainees were certified 4 teachers have been fully confirmed level one breath-body-mind teachers.
Level 1 Certified teachers with Dr. Cecilia and Joseph above and below is the certification ceremony for Level 1 BBM teachers and fundamentals BBM trainees